Sunday, December 4, 2011

Leadership Survey: Leaders' Ideal Employee


Did you know that a leader’s personal expectations towards her or his employees can greatly influence - and sometimes also bias – their relationship?

In addition to the explicit organizational requirements for staff members, most leaders have an implicit, unexpressed theory about the way effective employees should be like. Whilst we know that this informal, mental image of an ‘ideal employee’ exists, we don’t know how it is formed in the hearts and minds of leaders.

I am currently conducting a leadership survey to study managers’ image of an ideal (=most effective) employee, or in academic terms, their implicit follower theories.

Besides of this being a juicy topic in itself, leaders’ implicit follower theories could be at the bottom of successful leadership. So far, we don’t really understand if and how organizational contexts and business objectives impact managers’ preferences for certain employee types. I think I might have figured out a way to investigate just that.

WHY (would you want to participate)?

If you and your organization are interested in participating and receiving free, customized information on your leader’s ideal employee profile – and much more -, please contact me as soon as possible for further details about the aims and contents of the study.

HOW (is it being done)?

The study is conducted in form of an online- survey with people in leadership positions. Completion of the survey takes approximately 20 minutes, and individual responses are kept strictly confidential. A full report of the results and their interpretation will be delivered upon completion.

Please contact me today at


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