Lots has been written in this blog about Authentic Leadership: the concept of authentic leader behavior as discussed in academia; real examples of authentic leaders have been described; and my experiences with pseudo- and inauthentic leadership were shared with you.
A question that has bugged me for a long time is: (how) do people who do not know much/anything about the concept of authentic leadership actually think about it? Are authentic behaviors if displayed by leaders actually being perceived? In simple terms: do employees recognize an authentic leader if they meet one?
Follower Perception Questionnaire
Tomorrow I'll start a series of interviews with employees at a local non-profit company about exactly that topic. The plan is to conduct a qualitative research study about this complex topic and I'll start off with a short questionnaire (Follower Perception Questionnaire) that I designed.
I'm excited and very curious about these preliminary outcomes. Theory will meet practice at last.
Wish me luck!
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